Algorave at NIME London, 3rd Jul 2014

The New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference is a super meeting place for forward-thinking music researchers and musicians, and this year has a huge public programme in association with the fantastic BEAM festival folks, including an algorave. Check out the programme.

The algorave will be on 3rd July and features Canute, Renick Bell, Casper Electronics, FIRE, Charlie Roberts, and Leslie Garcia, all on the legendary soundsystem in Corsica Studios in South London.

Algorave in Sheffield

A5 Algorave E-Flyers SHEFFIELD 01Algorave finally makes it to Sheffield UK, the city where electronic music comes from.

Venue: Penelopes, Arundel Gate, Sheffield, S1 2PR (a few mins walk from Sheffield train station)
Date: 8pm-1am, Thurday 7th November 2013

Tickets: £5 adv, £6 on the door
Facebook event

“Live coders write computer programs live, while the programs generate their music, but the focus is on people dancing and seriously enjoying themselves”

– Dazed & confused

“Alexandra Cárdenas has no decks. Instead, she’s working on a laptop. A projection behind shows about 20 lines of code, which she is toying with, stripping some away, modifying the parameters of others. The minimal techno starts piling up, reversing on itself. Complex rhythms emerge, fall away, then come back stronger, energising the crowd. Cárdenas is completely lost in the music. This is an “algorave”, where humans dance to algorithms.”
– Wired Magazine

The Sheffield Line-up so far, in alphabetical order:

– glitch cellular automata from SoYo

LUUMA (Chordpunch, Brighton)
– thundering industrial techno from the South.
SECTION_9 (Leeds)
– progressive and recursive house from Ash Sagar
Distortion on this section_9 video doesn’t do this justice..

– legendary algokraut live coders from Durham UK and Karlsruhe DE

SICK LINCOLN (ChordPunch, Durham)
– Successfully distilling funk into dynamical datapop since 2001

YAXU and PAUL HESSION (Chordpunch, Sheffield and Leeds)
Yaxu (member of abstract gabber band Slub) will be joined by renowned improv drummer Paul Hession (of Squarepusher Jazz Trio, among many other collaborations) for what promises to be a heavily percussive set.

Sounds wholly or partly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive conditionals.

Sheffield Algorave is organised by ICSRiM, University of Leeds, in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University, Hacking Sheffield, the University of Durham and Goldsmiths College.

London Algorave

Featuring d0kt0r0, livecodelab (Davide Della Casa + Guy John), Ryan Jordan, Thor Magnusson, Meta-eX, Sick Lincoln, slub, Matthias Schneiderbanger  and Matthew Yee-King.

Tickets are all gone, sorry none on the door, we’ll do another one soon though.